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Ranked #1 in marketing automation for ease of use.
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.The marketing automation software trusted & loved by thousands of companies around the world
Capture new leads from your website, app or blog and then nurture them with personalized messages. Automate repetitive tasks like educating new subscribers, assigning leads, booking appointments and following up sales leads.

Oscar Razor is converting new leads into paying subscribers.
Develop personal relationships with every customer by engaging at the right time on the right channel. Onboard them to your product, educate them with everything they need to know about your product or service and find out what they’re thinking with surveys.

Patreon welcomes new creators and educates them how to monetize their art.
Build loyal advocates by making every customer interaction memorable without the manual work. Send beautiful newsletters, provide proactive support, ask promoters to review your product, reduce churn and un-abandon carts with automated engagements.